Photo tips

Professional advice

During your trip, try to take a lot of pictures, regardless of the type of device you use. This will allow you to show them to your friends and family. In addition, it will make you return to that moment and feel that you are in that place again.

It is always wonderful to keep memories and photos of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel Tower, and Machu Pichu. A photograph becomes a memory of what you did while traveling.

Using your smartphone

Do not use the zoom feature. Zooming in on an image can result in blurry images. To avoid this, you can take full pictures and then crop the image later. Cropping will be your best friend later.

Using the flash is not such a good idea. It can make a mess with the colors of the images. Also, many of the sites and museums strictly prohibit flash photography. If it's nighttime and you're taking a picture, find and use light sources near you, such as streetlights or shop lights.

Always the sun on your back

Always avoid direct sunlight when taking a picture. Too much sunlight will blur your photos, and you'll lose details in dark shadows. If you can't avoid the sun, you should always be on your back to take the best photo.
